This article is for informational purposes only. It is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.
When researching boric acid, there might be some concerns and a need to clarify its usage and whether it is for humans. There is a considerable difference between boric acid, meant for roaches, and meant to help people with recurrent vaginal infections. If you have boric acid suppositories for BV, follow the instructions on the label for safe usage.
What is Boric Acid?
Boric acid suppositories can come in odorless, colorless white powders or suppositories. It can be found naturally as boron in the soil, water, plants, and rocks. There are multiple ways to use boric acids, such as personal care products, household cleaning supplies, laundry detergents, plant fertilizers, and pesticides.
Do you want to prevent and get rid of recurring BV? Click here to get your Anti-BV routine.
Boric Acid Usage
Boric acid helps to relieve symptoms of vaginal infection and is a medication that promotes a normal vaginal pH balance. BV is commonly caused by a bacterial shift in your vaginal pH due to sex, condoms, lube, and menstruation. In fact, 1 in 3 people with vaginas has BV (84% are asymptomatic), and 138 million suffer from recurrent yeast infections.
Boric acid, such as the Kushae Vaginal Boric Acid Suppositories + Probiotics, is meant to be inserted vaginally and can be an effective at-home treatment for recurrent vaginal infections like bacterial vaginosis (BV) and yeast infections. Our blend of medical-grade Boric acid, aloe, apple cider vinegar, and probiotics — quickly and gently restores your natural pH balance and eliminates the need for antibiotics for good. Each capsule of the 21 suppositories has 600 milligrams (mg), a normal count for vaginal boric acid suppositories.
How We Recommend Using Boric Acid
First, wash your hands and nails well with soap and warm water before handling. Afterward, you can insert these little capsules into your vagina with clean fingers or with applicators (available for purchase at Kushae) while standing or lying down. It is all up to you. You can use our boric acid after sexual intercourse, after your menstrual cycle, or when your pH balance feels off. We recommend wearing a liner for potential watery vaginal discharge because your body is cleansing itself.
Our co-founder and OB/GYN Dr. Barb recommends the following doses and step-by-step instructions for her patients following the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) guidelines:
- For Yeast: For current infections (acute), Dr. Barb says to insert 1 suppository capsule into the vagina once daily for 2 to 3 weeks. For women prone to yeast infections who want to prevent future infections (prophylaxis), insert 1 suppository capsule into the vagina twice a week for 6 months.
- For BV: For current infection (acute), insert 1 capsule into the vagina once a day for 21 days. And to prevent future infections (prophylaxis), insert 1 suppository capsule into the vagina twice a week for 6 months.
Potential Dangers of Boric Acid
So is it safe to use boric acid for BV? Boric acids that are meant for vaginal usage are generally safe. Because the suppository looks like a pill that can be taken orally, which increases the risk of accidental oral consumption. While they can cause mild side effects such as vaginal irritation and discharge, there have not been deaths caused by them with vaginal insertion. However, the dangers of boric acid stem from oral ingestion. Swallowing boric acid suppositories is dangerously lethal and is not the correct way for human usage. A 2010 case report of massive acute boric acid poisoning by Corradi et al. found that accidental ingestion of boric acid has fatal effects, such as causing acute renal failure, metabolic acidosis, and shock.
If you do not see improvements from using vaginal boric acid suppositories or have more discomfort, stop usage immediately and contact your physician for other treatment options for yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis.
Safety Information
Do not use vaginal boric acid suppositories if you plan on being pregnant, are pregnant, or are breastfeeding. We also do not recommend using boric acid for those on blood-thinning medication, before sexual intercourse, during menstruation, or with underlying conditions such as a weakened immune system. In case of accidental ingestion, contact poison control immediately at 800-222-1222 or contact your local emergency services.
Do you want to prevent and get rid of recurring BV? Click here to get your Anti-BV routine.
Corradi, F., Brusasco, C., Palermo, S., & Belvederi, G. (2010). A case report of massive acute boric acid poisoning. European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, 17(1), 48–51.