Ask the Experts: I don't have a yeast infection, so why is my vagina itchy?
Vaginal itchiness is a common experience amongst many women. Several causes result in an itchy vagina. Some cases of vaginal itchiness are simple, while others may require medical treatment. Dr. Barb, board-certified OB/GYN, is here to answer a few questions to ease your mind.
Help! I have an ingrown hair on my vagina. How to treat and prevent ingrown hair down there!
Ingrown pubic hairs can occur with shaving, waxing, or plucking. The hair grows into the skin instead of up to the surface. With this, the hair gets trapped into the skin, and the skin becomes inflamed and painful
What are Boric Acid Suppositories?
Boric acid has been used for centuries to treat vaginal infections and help restore pH balance. Boric acid or H3BO3 is a weak acid that derives from boric oxide. It is used as an antifungal and antiviral substance to help treat several bacterial infections in the vagina.
Hormone Imbalance Symptoms Everyone Need To Know
Hormones act as the chemical messengers of the body and control processes affecting reproduction and metabolism. Hormone imbalance is essentially an increase or decrease in either progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, or other hormones
Why The Kushae Boric Acid Suppositories Kicks Our Competitors' Boric Acid To The Curb
Having a vagina is both a curse and a blessing. It can do incredible things and assist us in birthing and so much more. But the vagina has a sensitive and delicate environment that helps it thrive. Yeast naturally lives in the vagina, but our bodies keep it at a healthy level.
Is Douching Safe? Douching Is Bad For Your Vaginal Health - Here Is Why!
Douching is the actual act of cleaning out the vagina (the internal part) by using water or a mixture of fluids. Douching products sold in stores contain, but are not limited to, vinegar, water, sodium chloride, sodium benzoate, and citric acid. The douche comes in a bag or bottle with a tube or nozzle that is inserted in the vagina.
How to Increase Your Sex Drive as a Woman
Does thinking of sex makes you feel cringe? Does your mind wander off to trivial things during sex? Does the thought of touching your partner make you cringe? Would you want to be anywhere else during any sexual activity? Have you stopped masturbating? Do you no longer feel sexually attracted to anyone?
10 Tips for Maintaining Urinary Tract Health
Have you been urinating more frequently lately? Are you urinating on yourself when laughing too hard? It may be time to talk about urinary tract health. Did you know an adult will urinate about a quart and a half of urine every day?
Why Is My Vagina Dry? Vaginal Dryness: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
The vagina is a muscular but elastic organ that is capable of doing incredible things. Its walls contain thin layers of coating moisture that provide lubrication. This moisture also provides the vagina with an alkaline environment suitable for the survival of sperm during sexual reproduction.
Kushae X Whole Foods Market Anniversary
We are so grateful for the opportunity we have had with our tremendous partners at Whole Foods Market during our first year! Currently, we are only in Florida but we are working on coming to more stores near you!
How To Keep Your Vagina Clean With The Kushae Premium Gift Set
The vagina is a delicate organ and though it is self-cleansing on the inside, other areas that are a part of the female organ need caring for. Most women have a routine when it comes to keeping down there clean and healthy.
How To Keep Your pH Balanced With The Kushae Classic Gift Set
Vaginal care is super important to having a healthy, pH-balanced kitty. A great way to start taking care down there is cleaning and keeping down there fresh! The Kushae Classic Gift Set is ideal for a vaginal self-care starter kit. It contains Kushae’s full-size pH-balanced feminine deodorant spray, full size, and travel size fragrance-free, paraben-free, pH balanced wash.
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