Say Goodbye To Sweaty Feminine Odors With The Kushae Feminine Deodorant Stick
Our vulvas need lots of TLC daily, especially during the hot, sticky summer days. As temperatures rise, so can your vulva's temperature, leaving you feeling uncomfortable, itchy, and funky 'down there,' which can ruin your 'Hot Girl Summer' plans.
Everything You Need to Know About Vaginal Discharge
If you're like most women, you're probably pretty familiar with vaginal discharge. In fact, you may even know what kind of discharge is normal for your body and what isn't. But even if you are an expert on the subject, there's always more to learn about vaginal discharge!
Ask the experts: My Discharge Smells Bad But Not Fishy. Should I Be Concerned?
A fishy smell is often an indicator of a bacterial infection, but other smells can also be cause for alarm. In this edition of "Ask the Experts," we'll dive into what it means if "my discharge smells bad but not fishy."
5 Ways To Get Rid Of Vaginal Odor
There are many different causes of vaginal odor, but fortunately, there are also many ways to get rid of it. In this blog post, we will discuss the top methods for getting rid of vaginal odor as well as the way to differentiate between normal odor and discharge.
5 Ways to Spice Up Your Sex Life This Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate love in all its forms. For some, that means spending time with a partner or enjoying the company of close friends. For others, it means enjoying some "me time."
How To Treat A Yeast Infection? The Helpful Medicine You Might Not Know About Yet
Having a yeast infection can be an uncomfortable experience, but different types of yeast infection medicine can help clear it up. Depending on the severity of your yeast infection and how often it may occur
Why Do I Have A Yeast Infection?
Yeast infections are caused by yeast overgrowth and can be contracted through sexual contact. However, yeast infections can also result from antibiotic usage, pregnancy, and menopause.
Do I Have A Yeast Infection?
With 138 million women worldwide impacted by this type of fungal infection, you're not alone in dealing with this type of issue. Yeast infections are a type of vaginitis that is caused by an overgrowth of the yeast species Candida.
What is ph Balance? And what does ph Imbalance Mean?
When a woman's pH balance is "off," it can lead to bacterial infections, BV, yeast infection, and more. That's just crazy! So, how do we help all these beautiful women recognize pH imbalance and stay strong and healthy? We educate them on the importance of keeping that Kushae (aka vagina) happy and pH balanced.
Is It Really Necessary To Use A Feminine Wash?
These days, there’s a lot of noise about intimate cleansers, feminine wash, and vaginal douches vs. regular soaps or just plain water. But, not all feminine hygiene products are created equally...
Ask the Experts: Ouch! Thigh chafing really hurts. What can I do about it??
Have you ever had rashy, irritated thighs after running or walking? Or itchy, irritated skin under your breasts from sweat? You try everything to fix the issue: revamping your wardrobe, slowing down on physical activity only to find the area continues to grow into a nasty itchy rash that doesn't go away easily and is hard to heal. (We have a solution, keep reading!).
Possible Causes of a Smelly Vagina
Feminine odor varies amongst all women and changes throughout the menstrual cycle. A typical vaginal smell can be musty or fleshy. While having a vaginal odor is normal, there are times when a vaginal odor signals something down there is off.
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