The Three Most Common BV Symptoms In Women (The Third Might Surprise You)
Researchers are still determining the cause of bacterial vaginosis. However, we know that bacterial vaginosis occurs when the unhealthy bacteria grows too much and is often caused by the most common type of bacteria in the vagina, Gardnerella vaginalis. BV can affect women of any age, but it most likely occurs during the reproductive years and affects those between 14 and 44 years old.
Love Thick Thighs But Hate The Thigh Rub? You Need This!
It’s not your fault that your thighs rub together and get red and sensitive. Nor is it your fault that a hot day can make you sweat a little too much under your boobs, giving you major heat rash and a lot of pain.
How To Take Care Of Your Vulva and Vagina in 2023
The vulva is sensitive, and just like our faces, skin, and bodies, it needs its own feminine hygiene routine to thrive and stay healthy. Developing a feminine hygiene routine for our vulvas can also help us avoid vulvovaginal irritation and certain vaginal infections such as BV and yeast infections.
No More Toxic Friends, No More Toxic Relationships, & No More Toxic Personal Hygiene Products In 2023
This new year, make sure to 'take care of your vulva like you take care of your skin,' which means paying close attention to the feminine hygiene products - pads, tampons, douches, wipes, powders, and deodorizers - you use and their ingredients.
Why Does My Vagina Smell Like Onions?
Each woman has her unique vaginal smell, and that odor can change throughout the month. Unusual smells like a vaginal onion odor can be caused by several factors. With quick changes to your lifestyle, they will go away, and your typical scent will return.
Why Am I Dry Down There All Of A Sudden?
Vaginal dryness is a common issue that many women have at some point in their lives. It can be caused by several things and is often temporary. Vaginal dryness does not become a concern until it is persistent. Many contributing factors lead to vaginal dryness as a side effect, so there is much to consider before pointing out the exact cause.
My Feminine Hygiene Routine to Smell Good All Day + The Tea on Hyperpigmentation
I talk about the best products for hyperpigmentation & ingrowns. If you are ready to take a deep-dive into feminine care, then this video was made just for you! Enjoy doll!
Ingredient Deep Dive: Sodium Benzoate: Should It Be In Your Skincare Products?
There are a lot of mixed views on this organic compound. While some scientists believe it is harmless, others link it to cancers and various health issues. So, should Sodium Benzoate be in your skincare products? In this blog, Kushae Health aims to help you make an informed decision.
What Is An Ingrown Hair And 3 Ways To Prevent It
Ingrown pubic hairs can occur with shaving, waxing, or plucking. The hair grows into the skin instead of up to the surface. With this, the hair gets trapped into the skin, and the skin becomes inflamed and painful.
Can Probiotics Help Vaginal Health?
Probiotics can have several effects on the body. They work to help your body's microorganisms return to a healthy condition or maintain a healthy vaginal microbiome and provide relief from bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections.
The Yuka App: How To Find Safer Cosmetic Products
Look at your cosmetic products; how many of the listed ingredients do you know? Now you no longer have to compromise and buy products with harmful ingredients. All thanks to Benoit Martin's idea of wanting to shop safer for his family started the Yuka app.
Ingredient Deep Dive: Propylene Glycol. Is Propylene Glycol Safe in Skin Care Products?
You may have noticed the name propylene glycol in your skin care products, such as shampoos, moisturizers, and lotions, but you may need to be made aware of what this chemical is and the effects it may have on your health.
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